We’re Back! Did you notice?

Hey hey!

For a hot minute, we were preoccupied with stuff. Lots of important stuff. Like… Ummm… What’s that over there!?! *Tries to sneak away while you’re looking the other direction*

Okay, okay, I’ve been lazy about this site. And I’ll keep doing it too, because I honestly don’t think anyone knows it exists, and that’s fine. I don’t exactly promote it. I’m still not entirely sure what I’m doing with this space, anyway.

As for what I’ve been doing with my time, instead of paying attention to a website I cough up a couple hundred dollars a year to get no use from? Raising my son, filing paperwork, and trying to hold true to the promise that I’m amazing.

That last part’s probably the hardest. I keep starting things, and then getting distracted by other things, and I never get around to finishing the first thing. You know what I mean?

This last week and a half, my car has been in the shop. We’re waiting on parts. I meant to call Friday, and ask if they have a guess when the car could maybe be ready. People are sick of me needing to borrow their ride, and I’ve got a package of quality of life upgrades for my car arriving tomorrow. It would be terrific to have some kind of idea when I’ll ever see it again.

I’ve also got to get set up for Aestrid and I to begin recording season 2 of the podcast we started several years ago. My computer needed a fresh start sometime last summer, and wouldn’t you know it, my scene templates for my broadcasting software are long gone. Coulda sworn I backed those up. So I get to reconstruct my entire brand presence, which, meh, I guess it’s an opportunity to fine tune some things.

Also, a friend of mine wants to try a hypnosis session, and I’ve got to replace one of the smart outlets I installed last spring because it stopped connecting to Wi-Fi shortly after installing it, and we haven’t been able to factory reset it successfully.

And my production space still bears a striking resemblance to a starter hoarder hovel. The list goes on.

I think my issue is I’m failing to see what I need to complete these projects, and mostly it’s time. I suppose some more closet space wouldn’t hurt either.


I'm a single dad, programmer, and magician. Basically, I'm a wizard.