Growing Pains & Groaning Pains

Greetings, fright fiends! ‘Tis I, Murph Strange, Wizard, and now streamer. You can find me on quite regularly these days. I’ve been working on this all week, in fact. I’ve even left all my videos from this week up, so you can see the struggle I had with audio, and just starting my channel. I feel like it’s worth it to show these unpolished early attempts, because it’s a part of the process, and anyone following in my footsteps would be discouraged if they struggled and never saw how others do too. And boy, howdy, did I ever struggle with the audio. It’s only sounded decent since yesterday!, a platform for live streaming your hobbies

And that’s something we are really good at on the internet, hiding the struggle, and showcasing the wins. But for every success there’s a pile of messed up tries that never make it.

I’m not streaming because I hope I’ll be famous, or anything. I’m living in the middle of nowhere these days, and my son is back in school every morning so, I’m finding myself with an abundance of free time. When I game with my friends, we usually have a ridiculously fantastic time, and I’ve always said, we should stream our sessions. Even if we don’t build a following, we will have the videos to look back on. But there’s a big step between saying and doing that someone needed to take, and being laden with all this free time lately, I figured I could do that. It’s a new experience, and a fun way for me to share my gaming hobby with others.

I’m also going to stream public domain horror movies. Because I can, and I love those old black and white films. Maybe I’ll get others interested in them too, or potentially introduce someone to their new favorite film. At the very least, I’m keeping them from fading into complete obscurity.

This Saturday, at 11:59 PM, I’ll be airing Roger Corman’s The Little Shop of Horrors. There’s no singing in this one, but a very young Jack Nicholson makes a cameo as a masochistic undertaker. It’s sure to be a fantastic time, and you’re welcome to join me.

The Little Shop of Horrors

I’m going to stream a different movie every Saturday at midnight this month, and you can catch them on my twitch channel, live at midnight, or available on demand anytime after that. They’re all public domain, so admission’s free.

Also coming to my Twitch Channel this month, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem, and the latest from the Metroid franchise, Metroid Dread! So stop by and say hi!


I'm a single dad, programmer, and magician. Basically, I'm a wizard.