Okay, So the Relaunch Didn’t Quite Happen…

Howdy, folks!

I know I was going to relaunch my Twitch Channel last Autumn, and we’re now in February and it hasn’t happened yet. So what the hell?

Well, I’ll tell ya. I’ve been dealing with a pretty awful depressive episode, battling bandwidth issues, and just in general have not had the energy to get back to live streaming when I would have had any opportunity for it. But do not lose hope.

You may have noticed a bit of rebranding taking place. There’s also some pretty awesome shit coming from Nintendo, and I’m very eager to get my stupid face in front of a camera to completely lose my shit about it. And Zeph has even been wondering if we’re doing another podcast episode ever again. I keep telling her we will, just gotta figure out a schedule that works for us both.

So, I’m sorry to keep stringing you all along, but the new Murph Strange Productions and Drunkfurball Inc is still finding its feet, and it will be up and running soon.

We will be back with a fresh new look, and some new features, and hopefully some cool shit for our long time fans (and new fans too). There will be games, game reviews, fucked up spooky shit from Zeph and me, and maybe even some new friends to join in on the fun.

Stay tuned!


I'm a single dad, programmer, and magician. Basically, I'm a wizard.