Twitch Channel Relaunch (Finally?)

Hey fans! All two of you!

I know, I’ve been away forever. My Twitch channel gathers dust, and I’ve been promising for weeks there would be a relaunch, and every time I pick a date, that date comes and goes and there’s no new stream, and I am very sorry. It’s been hard.

On the days I have the energy to do a stream, I don’t have the bandwidth. And my patience for OBS grows thin, so tinkering with the settings to see where I can squeeze out the most performance with what I have to work with is exhausting.

But great news, I may have finally figured out what works, and sorted out the bandwidth issue. So, we may be live again soon! And to say thanks for hanging around, and to save my own sanity after playing Skyward Sword and really wishing I hadn’t, we’re gonna kick things off with a guaranteed crowd pleaser:

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Nintendo Wii, 100% completion run. Every secret, every side quest, every bug and heart piece.

I’ve dusted off my hardcover and 448 gold-gilded pages Prima Official Strategy Guide to ensure we don’t miss a thing. Join me this week at


I'm a single dad, programmer, and magician. Basically, I'm a wizard.